IGNOU MCS 226 Exam Notes / Important Question

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IGNOU MCS 226 Exam Notes / Important Question

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S.NOSome Questions
1What is data science? What are its applications? Define the terms Descriptive, Exploratory and Predictive in the context of data analysis. What is the difference between Causal inference and prediction?
2Explain the following with the help of an example in the context of statistics and Probability: Conditional Probability, Bayes Theorem, Normal distribution, Central limit theorem and Statistical Hypothesis
3Explain the concept of data pre-processing, data extraction, data cleaning, data curation and data integration with the help of an example of each.
4A class has 25 students. Create a data set of marks of the students in Mathematics out of a maximum of 50 marks. Make the histogram and box plot for this data. Can you draw scatter plots using this data? Give reasons in support of your answer.
5Explain Big data and its characteristics. How is Big data different to relational data? Explain with the help of an example. Define the characteristics of HDFS. Explain purpose of name node, data node and job tracker in this context.
6What is Map-Reduce programming? Explain the map phase, shuffling and sorting and reduce phase with the help of an example of word counting problem.
7Explain the features of Apache SPARK, HIVE and HBASE.
8What are NoSQL databases? How are they different from relational database management system? List the features of any four types of NoSQL databases.
9Explain the Jaccard similarity of sets with the help of an example. What are the ways of finding similarity between two documents? Also, define the term collaborative filtering.
10What is a data stream? How is it different to relational data? List the issues and challenges of handling data streams. What is the role of bloom filter?
S.NOSome Questions
11Explain the role of link analysis. Explain a page ranking algorithm with the help of an example. What is link spam? Explain the role of hubs and authorities for finding page rank.
12Explain the process and issues of the following:
Advertising on web, Recommendation system, Mining of social networks
13Write program using R for the following tasks:
(i) Computation of income tax of a vector of size 10, consisting of total annual income of 10 different person. The tax computation should be 10%, if annual income is below 5 lakhs and 20% if it is above 2 lakhs.
(ii) Matrix addition, subtraction and multiplication
(iii) Finding inverse of a matrix
14Create a sample data of the marks of 20 students in five different subjects using MSExcel. How can you use this data for programming in R? Write programs using R programming language to create four different plots using this data.
15Write program using R to demonstrate any one of the following:
chi-square testing or linear regression or logistic regression.
You may choose any sample data.
16Write steps about how R programming language can be used for performing the following analysis task:
(i) classification
(ii) clustering
(iii) finding association rules

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mportant Question  Design and Analysis of Algorithms-

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All these Important Questions are prepared by the Ex-Ignou & Present ignou Students. Their Experiences are really going to help you to score 80+ in your TEE.
With all this information, We also Clarify here that everything here (Notes, Assignment, Old Questions, And Important Question) are made by Using IGNOU Books and Also Internet sources.

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